The International Conference on Software Engineering Advances 2010, that took place on August 22-27 in Nice, France, has selected Jacques Simonin, Emmanuel Bertin, Yves Le Traon, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, and Noël Crespi’s paper entitled “Business and Information System Alignment: A Formal Solution for Telecom Services” for one of its Best Paper Awards. The conference covers a …
Tag: NGN
Oct 12 2011
DiYSE project wins the ITEA2 Exhibition Award 2010
During the ITEA2-Artemis Co-summit, that took place on October 26-27 in Ghent, Belgium, visitors elected “Do-it-Yourself Smart Experiences” to win the Exhibition Award for the best and most understandable project showcased at the event. The two-day co-summit focused on scalability and growth in software-intensive systems and services. The event included the biggest exhibition of funded …