The ICIN conference that took place on October 8-11 in Berlin, Germany has selected A. Manzalini (Telecom Italia), N. Crespi, Vânia Gonçalves (IBBT-SMIT) and R. Minerva (Telecom Italia)’s paper entitled “Towards Halos Networks: Ubiquitous Networking and Computing At the Edge” for its Best Presentation Award (congratulations to Antonio!). The topic of the conference is Enabling …
Tag: Internet of Things
Mar 21 2012
SERVERY project receives the prestigious Celtic Gold Award 2012
The SERVERY project was awarded the prestigious Celtic plus excellence award2012 in gold at Stockholm. SERVERY’s main objective is related to the creation of a Service Marketplace, i.e. the possibility for end user to access to a great deal of innovative services created by professionals or by the user‘s community. The idea is to take …
Oct 12 2011
Collaborative paper wins Best Paper Award at ICSEA 2010
The International Conference on Software Engineering Advances 2010, that took place on August 22-27 in Nice, France, has selected Jacques Simonin, Emmanuel Bertin, Yves Le Traon, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, and Noël Crespi’s paper entitled “Business and Information System Alignment: A Formal Solution for Telecom Services” for one of its Best Paper Awards. The conference covers a …
Oct 12 2011
DiYSE project wins the ITEA2 Exhibition Award 2010
During the ITEA2-Artemis Co-summit, that took place on October 26-27 in Ghent, Belgium, visitors elected “Do-it-Yourself Smart Experiences” to win the Exhibition Award for the best and most understandable project showcased at the event. The two-day co-summit focused on scalability and growth in software-intensive systems and services. The event included the biggest exhibition of funded …